Our Products


Our jewelry incorporates sterling silver and the wings of unharmed, end-of-life-cycle butterflies. The butterflies are “farmed” in large netted-off sections of rain forest that allow them to flourish (mate, lay eggs, and die naturally) in their native environment yet where they are not vulnerable to their natural predators. The butterflies live out their natural lives (the normal lifespan of all butterfly species is around 2 weeks) and are collected on the forest floor after dying naturally. In the wild only 8% of butterfly eggs reach maturity, but up to 80% are successful in such a farmed environment. This “farming” helps protect rain forests by creating an economically sustainable income model for indigenous people that does not involve cutting down the forest (for the hardwoods, and for things like cattle ranching and palm tree plantations). Instead this model depends on the existence of the rain forest for the farming process.

After collecting the perished butterflies the farmers dry and package them. When they have accumulated a good quantity, the farmers acquire export permits from their government's wildlife departments and ship the butterflies to us. As we receive them we transfer payment to the farmers, completing this sustainable eco-friendly business cycle. The purchase of our jewelry enables us to continue our support for these rain forest conservation efforts. As we have all learned, the rain forests are the lungs of the world as well as being the most critical resource for gene diversity and pharmaceutical research.

We are licensed by the U S Fish and Wildlife Service to import the dried butterflies and we rely on their guidance throughout the process. None of the farmed butterflies used in our jewelry are either rare or endangered.

We hope people will have a greater appreciation and respect for nature after seeing the astonishing beauty of these butterfly wings which we have tried to incorporate in our jewelry with the most reverence and creativity.